Thursday, September 25, 2008

Masterpiece Jewelry

Warning: This post  is of very high end (aka expensive) items. 
Roberto Cavalli is one of my favorite jewelry designers. This bracelet is extremely decadent!

This beautiful bracelet, by Roberto Cavalli, is beautiful yet edgy.

Another favorite is Sazingg. The pieces are always delicately feminine. 

This piece would look absolutely haunting on... 

A very fun whimsical piece by Carlos Souza

Now, this is what I call true jewelry design. I guess you really do pay for ingenuity. You'll never be able to find these at a regular jewelry store. The designer pieces are truly beautiful. Purchases can be made at Vivre

I'll wait for the day when pieces like this can be purchased at a "Target price." 

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Vacuum Exercise

Everybody knows about sit ups and are so focused on the muscles: rectus abdominus and the external obliques. These muscles create those six pack patterns. But doing a hundred sit ups may still not give you a flatter stomach. 

That's because the muscles that actually give you a flatter stomach are the transversus abdominus and lumbar multifidus. These internal muscles play the largest role in creating a flat stomach. 

I personally don't like the look of a six pack on a girl, but a flat tummy is a must. And, the key to this is to exercise those internal muscles that I talked about earlier. It's called the vacuum exercise. 

How do you do this? Well, it's REALLY simple. 
1. Exhale all the air that you can. 
2. Pull in your stomach as much as you can. 
3. Hold for 10-20 seconds. 
4. Repeat 3-5 times. 

That's it!

Empire Knit Dress Deal

This dress is only 16.99 from Chadwick's. It's on sale (71% off) and comes in many beautiful colors. 

Monday, September 8, 2008

Peacock Bauble and Feminine Military Jacket

Today's feature items are absolutely gorgeous.

The first is a Gary Graham cropped military jacket for $865. Yes... I know, It's expensive...

The second is my favorite for today. It comes from Etsy, which means that it's handmade! A glass globe with a beautiful peacock feather inside for $175. Pricey... but very unique and GORGEOUS!